Cryo-EM of human rhinovirus reveals capsid-RNA duplex interactions that provide insights into virus assembly and genome uncoating.
D. Gil-Cantero, C.P. Mata, L. Valiente, A. Rodríguez-Huete, A. Valbuena, R. Twarock, P. Stockley, M.G. Mateu and J.R. Castón*.
Communications biology 7: 1501, 2024
Structure of the aminoterminal domain of the birnaviral multifunctional VP3 protein and its unexplored critical role.
D.S. Ferrero, M.C. Gimenez, A. Sagar, J.M. Rodríguez, J.R. Castón, M.R. Terebiznik, P. Bernadó, N. Verdaguer.
Conventional Electron Microscopy, Cryogenic Electron Microscopy, and Cryogenic Electron Tomography of Viruses.
J.R. Castón* and D. Luque.
Subcell Biochem. 105: 81-134, 2024.
The basic architecture of viruses.
J.R. Castón*.
Subcell Biochem. 105: 55-78, 2024.
Birnaviral hijacking of endosomal membranes.
F.A. Zanetti, I. Fernández, E. Baquero, P. Guardado-Calvo, S. Dubois, E. Morel, V. Alfonso, M.O. Aguilera, M.E. Celayes, L.M. Polo, L. Suhaiman, V.V. Galassi, M.V. Chiarpotti, C. Allende, J.M. Rodríguez, J.R. Castón, D. Lijavetzky, O. Taboga, M.I. Colombo, M.G. Del Pópolo, F.A. Rey and L.R. Delgui.
Cryo-EM structure of a thermophilic encapsulin offers clues to its functions.
J.R. Castón*. IUCrJ 8: 333-334, 2021.
Chimeric RHDV virus-like particles displaying foot-and-mouth disease virus epitopes elicit neutralizing antibodies and confer partial protection in pigs.
G. Rangel, J. Bárcena, N. Moreno, C.P. Mata, J.R. Castón, A. Alejo and E. Blanco.
Vaccines 9: 470, 2021.
Nanotechnological applications based on bacterial encapsulins.
J.M. Rodríguez, C. Allende-Ballestero, J.J. Cornelissen and J.R. Castón*.
Nanomaterials 11: 1467, 2021.
Structure of dsRNA mycoviruses.
J.R. Castón*, N. Suzuki and S.A. Ghabrial.
Encyclopedia of Virology (4th edition) 4: 504-512, 2021. Academic Press, Elsevier.
Quadriviruses (Quadriviridae).
H. Kondo, J.R. Castón and N. Suzuki.
Encyclopedia of Virology (4th edition) 4: 642-647, 2021. Academic Press, Elsevier
Chrysoviruses (Chrysoviridae)- General features and chrysovirus-related viruses.
L. Kotta-Loizou, R.H.A. Coutts, J.R. Castón, H. Moriyama and S.A. Ghabrial.
Encyclopedia of Virology (4th edition) 4: 557-567, 2021. Academic Press, Elsevier.
Editorial overview: Virus structure and expression.
J.R. Castón* and A. Zlotnick.
Curr. Opin. Virol. 52: 101277, 2022.
Reply to Harwood et al.: Alternative functional conformations of native human α2-macroglobulin.
D. Luque, T. Goulas, C.P. Mata, S. dos Reis-Mendes, F. X. Gomis-Rüth and J.R. Castón*.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 119: e2211048119, 2022.
Cryo-EM shows the structural basis of pan-peptidase inhibition by human α2-macroglobulin.
D. Luque, T. Goulas, C.P. Mata, S. dos Reis-Mendes, F. X. Gomis-Rüth and J.R. Castón*.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 119: e2200102119, 2022.
Immunogenicity of multi-target chimeric RHDV virus-like particles delivering foreign B-cell epitopes.
M. Zamora-Ceballos, N. Moreno, D. Gil-Cantero, J.R. Castón, E. Blanco and J. Bárcena.
Vaccines 10: 229, 2022.
Cryo-electron microscopy for the study of virus assembly.
D. Luque and J.R. Castón*.
Nat Chem Biol 16: 231-239, 2020.
Precise location of linear epitopes on the capsid surface of feline calicivirus recognized by neutralizing and non-neutralizing monoclonal antibodies.
C. Cubillos-Zapata, I. Angulo, H. Almanza, B. Borrego, M. Zamora-Ceballos, J.R. Castón, I. Mena, E. Blanco and J. Bárcena.
Veterinary Research 51: 59, 2020.
Structure and assembly of double-stranded RNA mycovirus.
C. P. Mata, Javier M. Rodríguez, N. Suzuki and J.R. Castón*.
Adv. Virus Res. 108: 213-246, 2020.
Cryo-EM structure, assembly, and mechanics show morphogenesis and evolution of human picobirnavirus.
A. Ortega-Esteban, C.P. Mata, M.J. Rodríguez-Espinosa, D. Luque, N. Irigoyen, J.M. Rodríguez, P.J. de Pablo and J.R. Castón*.
J. Virol. 94, e01542-20, 2020.
ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Chrysoviridae
L. Kotta-Loizou, J.R. Castón, R.H.A. Coutts, B.I. Hillman, D. Jiang, D.-H. Kim, H. Moriyama, N. Suzuki and ICTV Report Consortium.
J. Gen. Virol. 101: 143-144, 2020.
Programmed recognition between complementary dinucleolipids to control the self-assembly of ipidic amphiphiles.
S. Morales-Reina, C. Giri, M. Leclercq, S. Vela-Gallego, I. de la Torre, J.R. Castón, M. Surin, A. de la Escosura A.
Structural nanotechnology: three-dimensional cryo-EM and its use in the development of nanoplatforms for in vitro catalysis.
M.V. de Ruiter, R. Klem, D. Luque, J.J.L.M. Cornelissen and J.R. Castón*.
Nanoscale 11: 4130- 4146, 2019.
ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Chrysoviridae.
S.A. Ghabrial, J.R. Castón, R.H.A. Coutts, B. Hillman, D. Jiang,D.-H. Kim, H. Moriyama, ICTV Report Consortium .
J. Gen. Virol. 99: 19-20, 2018.
The biological attributes, genome architecture and packaging of diverse multicomponent fungal viruses.
Y. Sato, J.R. Castón, and N. Suzuki.
Curr. Opin. Virol. 33: 55-65, 2018.
The RNA-binding protein of a double-stranded RNA virus acts like a scaffold protein.
C.P. Mata, J. Mertens, J. Fontana, D. Luque, C. Allende-Ballestero, D. Reguera, B.L. Trus, A.C. Steven, J.L. Carrascosa, and J.R. Castón*.
J. Virol. 92: e00968-18, 2018.
Cargo retention inside P22 virus-like particles.
K. McCoy, E. Selivanovitch, D. Luque, B. Lee, E. Edwards, J.R. Castón and T. Douglas.
Biomacromolecules 19: 3738-3746, 2018.
Biophysical properties of single rotavirus particles account for the functions of protein shells in a multilayered virus.
M. Jiménez-Zaragoza, M.L. Yubero, E. Martín-Forero, J.R. Castón, D. Reguera, D. Luque, P.J. de Pablo and J.M. Rodríguez.
Capsid structure of dsRNA fungal viruses.
D.Luque, C.P. Mata, N. Suzuki, S.A. Ghabrial and J.R. Castón*.
Mechanics of virus-like particles labeled with green fluorescent protein.
J.Mertens, P. Bondia, C. Allende-Ballestero, J.L. Carrascosa, C. Flors and J.R. Castón*.
Biophys. J. 115: 1561-1568, 2018.
ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Quadriviridae.
S. Chiba, J.R. Castón, S.A. Ghabrial, N. Suzuki, ICTV Report Consortium.
Acquisition of functions on the outer capsid surface during evolution of double-stranded RNA fungal viruses.
C.P. Mata, D. Luque, J. Gómez-Blanco, J.M. Rodríguez, J.M. González, N. Suzuki, S.A. Ghabrial, J.L. Carrascosa, B.L. Trus and J.R. Castón*.
PLOS Pathog. 13: e1006755, 2017.
Structural characterization of native and modified encapsulins as nanoplatforms for in vitro catalysis and cellular uptake.
R.M. Putri, C. Allende-Ballestero, D. Luque, R. Klem, K.-A. Rousou, A. Liu, C. H.-H. Traulsen, W.F. Rurup, M.S.T. Koay, J.R. Castón*, J.J.L.M. Cornelissen*.
ACS Nano 11.12796-12804, 2017.
Assembly/disassembly of a complex icosahedral virus to incorporate heterologous nucleic acids.
E. Pascual, C.P. Mata, J.L. Carrascosa and J.R. Castón*,
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29: 494001, 2017.
The transjugation machinery of Thermus thermophilus: identification of an ATPase involved in DNA donation.
A. Blesa, I. Baquedano, N.G. Quintáns, C.P. Mata, J.R. Castón and J. Berenguer.
PLOS Genetics 13: e1006669, 2017.
Role of archaeal HerA protein in the biology of the bacterium Thermus thermophiles.
A. Blesa, N.G. Quintáns, I. Baquedano, C.P. Mata, J.R. Castón and J. Berenguer.
Genes 8: 130, 2017.
Assembling enzymatic cascade pathways inside virus-based nanocages using dual-tasking nucleic acid tags.
M. Brasch, R.M. Putri, M.V. de Ruiter, D. Luque, M.S. Koay, J.R. Castón and J.J. Cornelissen.
Rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus capsid, a versatile platform for foreign B-cell epitope display, induces protective humoral immune responses.
N. Moreno, I. Mena, I. Angulo, Y. Gómez, E. Crisci, M. Montoya, J.R. Castón, E. Blanco and J. Bárcena.
Hierarchical organization of organic dyes and protein cages into photoactive crystals.
J. Mikkilä, E. Anaya-Plaza, V. Liljeström, J.R. Castón, T. Torres, A. de la Escosura and M.A. Kostiainen.
ACS Nano 10: 1565- 1571, 2016.
Cargo-shell and cargo-cargo couplings govern the mechanics of artificially-loaded virus-derived cages.
A. Llauró, D. Luque, E. Edwards, B.L. Trus, J. Avera, D. Reguera, T. Douglas*, P.J. de Pablo* and J.R. Castón* Nanoscale 8: 8328-9336, 2016.
Heterodimers as the structural unit of the T=1 capsid of the fungal double.+-stranded RNA Rosellinia necatrix quadrivirus 1.
D. Luque, C.P. Mata, F. González-Camacho, José M. González, J. Gómez-Blanco, C. Alfonso, G. Rivas, W.M. Havens, S. Kanematsu, N. Suzuki, S.A. Ghabrial, B.L. Trus and J.R. Castón* (2016).
J. Virol. 90: 11220-11230, 2016.
Structure of the receptor-binding carboxi-terminal domain of the bacteriophage T5 L-shaped tail fibre with and without its intra-molecular chaperone.
C. García-Doval, J.R. Castón, D. Luque, M. Granell, J.M. Otero, A.L. Llamas-Saiz, M. Renouard, P. Boulanger and M.J. van Raaij.
Viruses 7: 6424-6440, 2015.
Structural and functional insights into Escherichia coli α2-macroglobulin endopeptidase snap-trap inhibition.
I. García-Ferrer , P. Arede , J. Gómez-Blanco, D. Luque, S. Duquerroy, J.R. Castón, T. Goulas and X. Gomis-Rüth.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 112: 8290-8295, 2015.
Structural basis for development of avian virus capsids to display influenza virus proteins for induction of protective immunity.
E. Pascual, C.P. Mata, J. Gómez-Blanco, N. Moreno, J. Bárcena, E. Blanco, A. Rodríguez-Frandsen, A. Nieto, J.L. Carrascosa and J.R. Castón*.
J. Virol. 89: 2563-2574, 2015.
Calcium ions modulate the mechanics of Tomato Bushy Stunt Virus.
A. Llauró, E. Coppari, F. Imperatori, A.R. Bizzarri, J.R. Castón, L. Santi, S. Cannistraro and P.J. de Pablo. Biophysical J. 109: 390-397, 2015.
A protein with simultaneous capsid scaffolding and dsRNA-binding activities enhances the birnavirus capsid mechanical stability.
J. Mertens, S. Casado, C.P. Mata, M. Hernando-Pérez, P.J. de Pablo, J.L. Carrascosa and J.R. Castón*.
Comparative analysis of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) and new RHDV2 virus antigenicity, using specific virus-like particles.
J. Bárcena, B. Guerra, I. Angulo, J. González, F. Valcarcel, C.P. Mata, J.R. Castón, E. Blanco and A. Alejo.
50-plus years of fungal viruses.
S.A. Ghabrial, J.R. Castón, D. Jiang, M.L. Nibert and N. Suzuki.
New insights into rotavirus entry machinery: stabilization of rotavirus spike conformation is independent of trypsin cleavage.
J.M. Rodríguez, F.J. Chichón, E. Martín-Forero, F. González-Camacho, J.L. Carrascosa, J.R. Castón and D. Luque.
PLOS Pathogens 10: e1004157, 2014.
Cryo-EM near-atomic structure of a dsRNA fungal virus shows ancient structural motifs preserved in the dsRNA viral lineage.
D. Luque, J. Gómez-Blanco, D. Garriga, A.F: Brilot, J.M. González, W.M. Havens, J.L. Carrascosa, B.L. Trus, N. Verdaguer, S.A. Ghabrial and J.R. Castón*.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 111: 7641-7646, 2014.
The interplay between mechanis and stability of viral cages.
M. Hernando, E. Pascual, M. Aznar, A. Ionel, J.R. Castón, A. Luque, J.L. Carrascosa, D. Reguera and P. de Pablo. Nanoscale 6: 2702-2709, 2014.
Self-assembly and characterization of small and monodisperse dye nanospheres in a protein cage.
D. Luque, A. de la Escosura, J. Snijder, M. Brasch, R.J. Burnley, M.S.T. Koay, J.L. Carrascosa, G.J.L. Wuite, W.H. Roos, A.J.R. Heck, J.J.L.M. Cornelissen, T. Torres and J.R. Castón*.
Uncoating of common cold virus is preceded by RNA switching as determined by X-ray and cryo-EM analyses of the subviral A-particle.
A. Pickl-Herk, D. Luque, L. Vives_Adrián, J. Querol-Audi, D. Garriga, B.L. Trus, N. Verdaguer*, D. Blaas* and J.R. Castón*.
Proc Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 110: 20063-20068, 2023.
Crystallization of the C-terminal domain of the bacteriophage T5 L-shape fibre.
C. Garcia-Doval, D. Luque, J.R. Castón, P. Boulanger and M.J. van Raaij.
Acta Crystallog. F69: 1363-1367, 2013.
Structural characterization of the bacteriophage T7 tail machinery.
A. Cuervo, M. Pulido-Cid, M. Chagoyen, R. Arranz, V.A. González-García, C. Garcia-Doval, J.R. Castón, J.M. Valpuesta, M.J. van Raaij, J. Martín-Benito and J.L. Carrascosa.
J. Biol. Chem. 288: 26290-9, 2013.
The basic architecture of viruses.
J.R. Castón* and J.L. Carrascosa.
Subcell. Biochem. 68:53-75, 2013.
Conventional electron microscopy, cryo-electron microscopy and cryo-electron tomography of viruses.
J.R. Castón*.
Subcell. Biochem. 68:79-115, 2013.
Chrysovirus structure: repeated helical core as evidence of gene duplication.
J.R. Castón*, D. Luque, J. Gómez-Blanco and S.A. Ghabrial.
Adv. Vir. Res. 86: 87-108, 2013.
Insights into minor group rhinovirus uncoating: The X-ray structure of the HRV2 empty capsid.
D. Garriga, A. Pickl-Herk, D. Luque, J. Wruss, J.R. Castón, D. Blass and N. Verdaguer.
PLOS Pathogens 8: e1002473, 2012.
Epitope insertion at the N-terminal molecular switch of the rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus T=3 capsid protein leads to larger T=4 capsids.
D. Luque, J.M. González1, J. Gómez-Blanco, R. Marabini, J. Chichón, I. Mena, I. Angulo, J.L. Carrascosa, N. Verdaguer, B.L. Trus, J. Bárcena and J.R. Castón*.
J. Virol. 86: 6470-6480, 2012.
Cryphonectria nitschkei virus 1 structure shows that the capsid 1 protein of chrysoviruses is a duplicated helix-rich fold conserved in fungal double-stranded RNA viruses.
J. Gómez-Blanco, D. Luque, J.M. González, J.L. Carrascosa, C. Alfonso, B.L. Trus, W.M. Havens, S.A. Ghabrial and J.R. Castón*.
J. Virol. 86: 8314-8318, 2012.
Host proteolytic activity is necessary for infectious bursal disease virus capsid protein assembly.
N. Irigoyen, J.R. Castón* and J.F. Rodríguez.
J. Biol. Chem. 287: 24473-24482, 2012.
The VP3 factor from viruses of Birnaviridae family suppresses the RNA silencing by binding both long and small RNA duplexes.
A. Valli, I. Busnadiego, V. Maliogka, D. Ferrero, J.R. Castón, J.F. Rodríguez and J.A. García.
Family Chrysoviridae. In Virus taxonomy.
S.A. Ghabrial and J.R. Castón.
Ninth Report of the International Committee on taxonomy of viruses, A.M.Q. King, M.J. Adams, E.B. Carstens and E.J. Lefkowitz (eds.). Academic Press, San Diego, California. pp. 509 -513, 2012.
Molecular rearrangements involved in the capsid shell maturation of bacteriophage T7.
A. lIonel, J.A. Velázquez-Muriel, D. Luque, A. Cuervo, J.R. Castón, J.M. Valpuesta, J. Martín-Benito and J. L. Carrascosa.
The T=1 capsid protein of Penicillium chrysogenum virus is formed by a repeated helix-rich core indicative of gene duplication.
D. Luque, J.M. González, D. Garriga, S.A. Ghabrial, W.M. Havens, B.L. Trus, N. Verdaguer, J.L. Carrascosa and J.R. Castón*.
J. Virol. 84: 7256-7266, 2010.
Electrostatic interactions between capsid and scaffolding proteins mediate the structural polymorphism of a double-stranded RNA virus.
I. Saugar, N. Irigoyen, D. Luque, J.L. Carrascosa, J.F. Rodríguez and J.R. Castón*.
Infectious Bursal Disease Virus: ribonucleoprotein complexes of a double-stranded RNA virus.
D. Luque, I. Saugar, M.T. Rejas, J.L. Carrascosa, J.F. Rodríguez and J.R. Castón*.
J. Mol. Biol. 386: 891- 901, 2009.
Infectious Bursal Disease Virus is an icosahedral polyploid dsRNA virus.
D. Luque, G. Rivas, C. Alfonso, J.L. Carrascosa, J.F. Rodríguez and J.R. Castón*.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106: 2148- 2152, 2009.
Autoproteolytic activity derived from the Infectious bursal disease virus capsid protein.
N. Irigoyen, D. Garriga, N. Verdaguer, J.F. Rodríguez and J.R. Castón*.
J. Biol. Chem. 284: 8064- 8072, 2009.
The capsid protein of Infectious bursal disease virus contains a functional α4β1 integrin ligand motif.
L. Delgui, A. Oña, S. Gutiérrez, D. Luque, A. Navarro, J.R. Castón and J.F. Rodríguez.
Chimeric calicivirus-like particles elicit protective anti-viral cytotoxic responses without adjuvant.
E. Crisci, H. Almanza, I. Mena, L. Córdoba, E. Gomez-Casado, J.R. Castón, L. Fraile, J. Bárcena and M. Montoya.
The mechanism of vault opening from the high resolution structure of the N-terminal repeats of MVP.
J. Querol-Audí, A. Casañas, I. Usón, D. Luque, J.R. Castón, I. Fita and N. Verdaguer.
Sharpening high resolution information in single particle electron cryomicroscopy.
J.J. Fernández, D. Luque, J.R. Castón and J.L. Carrascosa.
J. Struct. Biol. 164: 170- 175, 2008.
Self-assembly of the recombinant capsid protein of a swine norovirus into virus-like particles and evaluation of monoclonal antibodies cross-reactive with a human strain from genogroup II
H. Almanza, C. Cubillos, I. Angulo, F. Mateos, J.R. Castón, J. Bárcena and I. Mena.
J. Clin. Microbiol. 46: 3971 -3979, 2008.
Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV): A Segmented Double-Stranded RNA Virus With a T=13 Capsid That Lacks a T=1 Core.
J.R. Castón, J.F. Rodríguez and J.L. Carrascosa.
Segmented Double-stranded RNA Viruses: Structure and Molecuar Biology. J.T. Patton (ed.). Caister Academic Press, Norfolk. UK pp. 133 -144, 2008.
Infectious Bursal Disease Virus capsid assembly and maturation by structural rearrangements of a transient molecular switch.
D. Luque, I. Saugar, J.F. Rodríguez, N. Verdaguer, D. Garriga, C. San Martín, J. Velázquez-Muriel, B.L. Trus, J.L. Carrascosa, and J.R. Castón*.
Tree-dimensional structure and stoichiometry of Helminthosporium victoriae190S totivirus.
J.R. Castón*, D. Luque, B.L. Trus, G. Rivas, C. Alfonso, J.M. González, J.L. Carrascosa, P. Annamalai and S.A. Ghabrial.
Virology 347: 323 -332, 2006.
The 2.6-Angstrom structure of infectious bursal disease virus-derived T=1 particles reveals new stabilizing elements of the virus capsid.
D. Garriga, J. Querol-Audí, F. Abaitua, I. Saugar, J. Pous, N. Verdaguer, J.R. Castón and J.F. Rodríguez.
J. Virol. 80: 6895 -6905, 2006.
“Estructura de partículas virales”
J.L. Carrascosa y J.R. Castón.
“Estructura de partículas virales”. In “Virus patógenos”, L. Carrasco y J. M. Almendral (eds.). Editorial Hélice, Fundación BBVA, Madrid, pp. 77 -90, 2006.
Preliminary analysis of two and three-dimensional crystals of vault ribonucleoprotein particles.
J. Querol-Audí, R. Pérez-Luque, I. Fita, C. López-Iglesias, J.R. Castón, J.L. Carrascosa and N. Verdaguer.
J. Struct. Biol. 151: 111 -115, 2005.
Structural polymorphism of the major capsid protein of a double-stranded RNA virus: an amphipathic α helix as a molecular switch.
I. Saugar, D. Luque, A: Oña, J.F. Rodríguez, J.L. Carrascosa, B.L. Trus, and J.R. Castón*.
Structure 13: 1007 -1017, 2005.
Maturation of phage T7 involves structural modification of both shell and inner core components.
X. Agirrezabala, J. Martín-Benito, J.R. Castón, R. Miranda, J.M. Valpuesta and J.L. Carrascosa.
The EMBO J. 24: 3820 -3829, 2005.
Family Chrysoviridae.
S.A. Ghabrial, S.A., D. Jiang and J.R. Castón.
In Virus taxonomy. VIIIth Report of the International Committee on taxonomy of viruses, C.M. Fauquet, M.A. Mayo, J. Maniloff, U. Desselberger and L.A. Ball (eds.). Academic Press, San Diego, California. pp. 591 -595, 2005.
The coat protein of Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus contains a molecular switch at the N-terminal region facing the inner surface of the capsid.
J. Barcena, N. Verdaguer, R. Roca, M. Morales, I. Angulo, C. Risco, J.L. Carrascosa, J.M. Torres and J.R. Castón*.
The C-terminal domain of the pVP2 precursor is essential for the interaction between VP2 and VP3, the capsid polypeptides of infectious bursal disease virus.
A. Oña, D. Luque, F. Abaitua, A. Maraver, J.R. Castón and J.F. Rodriguez.
The oligomerization domain of VP3, the scaffolding protein of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus, plays a critical role in capsid assembly.
A. Maraver, A. Oña, F. Abaitua, D. González, R. Clemente, J.A. Ruiz-Díaz, J.R. Castón, F. Pazos and J.F. Rodríguez.
J. Virol. 77: 6438 -6449, 2003.
Structure-dependent efficacy of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) recombinant vaccines.
J.L. Martínez-Torrecuadrada, N. Saubi, A. Pagès-Manté, J.R. Castón, E. Espuña and J.I. Casal.
Three-dimensional structure of Penicillium chrysogenum virus: A double-stranded RNA virus with a genuine T=1 capsid.
J.R. Castón*, S.A. Gabrial, D. Jiang, G. Rivas, C. Alfonso, R. Roca, D. Luque and J.L. Carrascosa (2003).
J. Mol. Biol. 331: 417 -431, 2003.
“La microscopía electrónica de transmisión aplicada a la determinación estructural de macromoléculas biológicas”.
J.M. Valpuesta, J. Martín-Benito and J.R. Castón.
“Estructura de proteínas”. C. Gómez-Moreno and J. Sancho (eds.). Editorial Ariel, Barcelona, pp 353 -386, 2003.
The C-terminus of the Infectious Bursal Disease Virus major capsid protein VP2 is involved in the mechanism for molecular switching in capsid assembly.
J.R. Castón, J. L. Martínez-Torrecuadrada, A. Maraver, E. Lombardo, J.F. Rodríguez, J.I. Casal and J.L. Carrascosa.
Different architectures in the assembly of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus capsid proteins expressed in insect cells.
J.L. Martínez-Torrecuadrada, J.R. Castón, M. Castro, J.L. Carrascosa, J.F. Rodríguez and J.I. Casal.
Topology of the components of the DNA packaging machinery in the phage φ29 prohead.
B. Ibarra&, J.R. Castón&, O. Llorca&, M. Valle, J.M. Valpuesta and J.L. Carrascosa.
J. Mol. Biol. 298: 807 -815, 2000. (& Joint first authors)
VP1, the putative RNA-dependent RNA polymerase of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus, forms complexes with the capsid protein VP3, leading to efficient encapsidation into virus-like particles.
E. Lombardo, A. Maraver, J.R. Castón, J. Rivera, A. Fernández-Arias, A. Serrano, J.L. Carrascosa and J.F. Rodríguez.
J.Virol. 73: 6973- 6983, 1999.
A strategy for determining the orientations of refractory particles for reconstruction from cryo-electron micrographs with particular reference to round, smooth-surfaced, icosahedral viruses.
J.R. Castón, D.M. Belnap, A.C. Steven and B.L. Trus.
J. Struct. Biol. 125: 209 -215, 1999.
“Criomicroscopía electrónica”.
J.R. Castón and J.L. Carrascosa.
“Manual de Técnicas de Microscopía Electrónica (M.E.T.). Aplicaciones biológicas (Fundamentos y procedimientos)”. J. Renau y L. Megías (eds.). Publicaciones de la Universidad de Granada, Granada, pp 31-47, 1998.
“Tinción negativa”.
J.L. Carrascosa and J.R. Castón.
“Manual de Técnicas de Microscopía Electrónica (M.E.T.). Aplicaciones biológicas (Fundamentos y procedimientos)”. J. Renau y L. Megías (eds.). Publicaciones de la Universidad de Granada, Granada, pp 21-29, 1998.
Structure of L-A virus: a specialized compartment for the transcription and replication of double-stranded RNA.
J.R. Castón, B.L. Trus, F.P. Booy, R.B. Wickner, J.S. Wall and A.C. Steven.
J. Cell Biol. 138: 975 -985, 1997.
The making and breaking of symmetry in virus capsid assembly: glimpses of capsid biology from cryoelectron microscopy.
A.C. Steven, B.L. Trus, F.P. Booy, N. Cheng, A. Zlotnick, J.R. Castón and J.F. Conway.
Differential domain accessibility to monoclonal antibodies in three different morphological assemblies built up by the S-layer protein of Thermus thermophilus HB8.
J.R. Castón, G. Olabarría, I. Lasa, J.L. Carrascosa and J. Berenguer.
J. Bacteriol. 178: 3654 -3657, 1996.
“Capas cristalinas de la envoltura bacteriana”. In “Microbiología y Genética Molecular”
J.R. Castón, G. Olabarría, J.L. Carrascosa y J. Berenguer.
J. Casadesús (ed.). Publicaciones de la Universidad de Huelva, Huelva, pp 275 -303, 1995.
Horizontal transference of S-layer genes within Thermus thermophilus.
L.A. Fernández-Herrero, G. Olabarría, J.R. Castón, I. Lasa and J. Berenguer.
J. Bacteriol. 177: 5460 -5466, 1995.
Fungal virus capsids: cytoplasmic compartments for the replication of double-stranded RNA formed as icosahedral shells of asymmetric Gag dimers.
R.H. Cheng&, J.R. Castón&, G. Wang&, F. Gu, T.J. Smith, T.S. Baker, R.F. Bozarth, B.L. Trus, N. Cheng, R.B. Wickner and A.C. Steven.
J. Mol. Biol. 244: 255-258, 1994. (& Joint first authors)
Three-dimensional structure of different aggregates built up by the S-layer protein of Thermus thermophilus.
J.R. Castón, J. Berenguer, E. Kocsis and J.L. Carrascosa.
J. Struct. Biol. 113: 164 -176, 1994.
Phenotypic, biochemical and structural analysis of S-layer mutants from Thermus thermophilus HB8.
I. Lasa, J.R. Castón, L.A. Fernández-Herrero, M. de Grado, G. Olabarría, J.L. Carrascosa, M.A. de Pedro and J. Berenguer.
Bacterial Growth and Lysis. M.A. de Pedro, J.V. Holtje and W. Loffelhardt (eds.). Plenum Press, New York. pp. 99 -104, 1993.
S-layer protein from Thermus thermophilus HB8 assembles into porin-like structures.
J.R. Castón, J. Berenguer, M.A. de Pedro and J.L. Carrascosa.
Mol. Microbiol. 9: 65-75, 1993.
Insertional mutagenesis in the extreme thermophilic eubacteria Thermus thermophilus HB8.
I. Lasa, J.R. Castón, L.A. Fdez-Herrero, M.A. de Pedro and J. Berenguer.
Mol. Microbiol. 6: 1555 -1564, 1992.
Identification of a crystalline surface layer on the cells envelope of the thermophilic eubacteria Thermus thermophilus.
J.R. Castón, J.L. Carrascosa, M.A. de Pedro and J. Berenguer.
Physical virology in Spain.
D. Reguera, P.J. de Pablo, N.G.A. Abrescia, M.G. Mateu, J. Hernández-Rojas, J.R. Castón, C. San Martín. Biophysica 3: 598-619, 2023
Mechanical disassembly of human picobirnavirus like particles indicates that cargo retention is tuned by the RNA-coat protein interaction.
M.J. Rodríguez-Espinosa, J.M. Rodríguez, J.R. Castón*, P.J. de Pablo*.
Nanoscale Horizons, 8: 1665-1676, 2023
Cryo-electron microscopy and cryo-electron tomography of viruses.
D. Luque and J.R. Castón*.
Physical Virology, pp 283-306, 2023. Springer Nature.
Equilibrium dynamics of a biomolecular complex analyzed at single-amino acid resolution by cryo-electron microscopy.
D. Luque, A. Ortega-Esteban, A. Valbuena, J.L. Vilas, A. Rodríguez-Huete, M. G. Mateu* and J.R. Castón*.
J. Mol. Biol. 435: 168024, 2023.
Editorial overview: Virus structure and expression.
J.R. Castón* and A. Zlotnick.
Curr. Opin. Virol. 52: 101277, 2022.
Reply to Harwood et al.: Alternative functional conformations of native human α2-macroglobulin.
D. Luque, T. Goulas, C.P. Mata, S. dos Reis-Mendes, F. X. Gomis-Rüth and J.R. Castón*.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 119: e2211048119, 2022.
Cryo-EM shows the structural basis of pan-peptidase inhibition by human α2-macroglobulin.
D. Luque, T. Goulas, C.P. Mata, S. dos Reis-Mendes, F. X. Gomis-Rüth and J.R. Castón*.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 119: e2200102119, 2022.
Immunogenicity of multi-target chimeric RHDV virus-like particles delivering foreign B-cell epitopes.
M. Zamora-Ceballos, N. Moreno, D. Gil-Cantero, J.R. Castón, E. Blanco and J. Bárcena.
Vaccines 10: 229, 2022.
Cryo-EM structure of a thermophilic encapsulin offers clues to its functions.
J.R. Castón*. IUCrJ 8: 333-334, 2021.
Chimeric RHDV virus-like particles displaying foot-and-mouth disease virus epitopes elicit neutralizing antibodies and confer partial protection in pigs.
G. Rangel, J. Bárcena, N. Moreno, C.P. Mata, J.R. Castón, A. Alejo and E. Blanco.
Vaccines 9: 470, 2021.
Nanotechnological applications based on bacterial encapsulins.
J.M. Rodríguez, C. Allende-Ballestero, J.J. Cornelissen and J.R. Castón*.
Nanomaterials 11: 1467, 2021.
Structure of dsRNA mycoviruses.
J.R. Castón*, N. Suzuki and S.A. Ghabrial.
Encyclopedia of Virology (4th edition) 4: 504-512, 2021. Academic Press, Elsevier.
Quadriviruses (Quadriviridae).
H. Kondo, J.R. Castón and N. Suzuki.
Encyclopedia of Virology (4th edition) 4: 642-647, 2021. Academic Press, Elsevier
Chrysoviruses (Chrysoviridae)- General features and chrysovirus-related viruses.
L. Kotta-Loizou, R.H.A. Coutts, J.R. Castón, H. Moriyama and S.A. Ghabrial.
Encyclopedia of Virology (4th edition) 4: 557-567, 2021. Academic Press, Elsevier.
Cryo-electron microscopy for the study of virus assembly.
D. Luque and J.R. Castón*.
Nat Chem Biol 16: 231-239, 2020.
Precise location of linear epitopes on the capsid surface of feline calicivirus recognized by neutralizing and non-neutralizing monoclonal antibodies.
C. Cubillos-Zapata, I. Angulo, H. Almanza, B. Borrego, M. Zamora-Ceballos, J.R. Castón, I. Mena, E. Blanco and J. Bárcena.
Veterinary Research 51: 59, 2020.
Structure and assembly of double-stranded RNA mycovirus.
C. P. Mata, Javier M. Rodríguez, N. Suzuki and J.R. Castón*.
Adv. Virus Res. 108: 213-246, 2020.
Cryo-EM structure, assembly, and mechanics show morphogenesis and evolution of human picobirnavirus.
A. Ortega-Esteban, C.P. Mata, M.J. Rodríguez-Espinosa, D. Luque, N. Irigoyen, J.M. Rodríguez, P.J. de Pablo and J.R. Castón*.
J. Virol. 94, e01542-20, 2020.
ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Chrysoviridae
L. Kotta-Loizou, J.R. Castón, R.H.A. Coutts, B.I. Hillman, D. Jiang, D.-H. Kim, H. Moriyama, N. Suzuki and ICTV Report Consortium.
J. Gen. Virol. 101: 143-144, 2020.
Programmed recognition between complementary dinucleolipids to control the self-assembly of ipidic amphiphiles.
S. Morales-Reina, C. Giri, M. Leclercq, S. Vela-Gallego, I. de la Torre, J.R. Castón, M. Surin, A. de la Escosura A.
Chemistry- A European journal 26:1082-1090, 2020.
Structural nanotechnology: three-dimensional cryo-EM and its use in the development of nanoplatforms for in vitro catalysis.
M.V. de Ruiter, R. Klem, D. Luque, J.J.L.M. Cornelissen and J.R. Castón*.
Nanoscale 11: 4130- 4146, 2019.
ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Chrysoviridae.
S.A. Ghabrial, J.R. Castón, R.H.A. Coutts, B. Hillman, D. Jiang,D.-H. Kim, H. Moriyama, ICTV Report Consortium .
J. Gen. Virol. 99: 19-20, 2018.
The biological attributes, genome architecture and packaging of diverse multicomponent fungal viruses.
Y. Sato, J.R. Castón, and N. Suzuki.
Curr. Opin. Virol. 33: 55-65, 2018.
The RNA-binding protein of a double-stranded RNA virus acts like a scaffold protein.
C.P. Mata, J. Mertens, J. Fontana, D. Luque, C. Allende-Ballestero, D. Reguera, B.L. Trus, A.C. Steven, J.L. Carrascosa, and J.R. Castón*.
J. Virol. 92: e00968-18, 2018.
Cargo retention inside P22 virus-like particles.
K. McCoy, E. Selivanovitch, D. Luque, B. Lee, E. Edwards, J.R. Castón and T. Douglas.
Biomacromolecules 19: 3738-3746, 2018.
Biophysical properties of single rotavirus particles account for the functions of protein shells in a multilayered virus.
M. Jiménez-Zaragoza, M.L. Yubero, E. Martín-Forero, J.R. Castón, D. Reguera, D. Luque, P.J. de Pablo and J.M. Rodríguez.
Capsid structure of dsRNA fungal viruses.
D.Luque, C.P. Mata, N. Suzuki, S.A. Ghabrial and J.R. Castón*.
Mechanics of virus-like particles labeled with green fluorescent protein.
J.Mertens, P. Bondia, C. Allende-Ballestero, J.L. Carrascosa, C. Flors and J.R. Castón*.
Biophys. J. 115: 1561-1568, 2018.
ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Quadriviridae.
S. Chiba, J.R. Castón, S.A. Ghabrial, N. Suzuki, ICTV Report Consortium.
J. Gen. Virol. 99: 1480-1481, 2018.
Acquisition of functions on the outer capsid surface during evolution of double-stranded RNA fungal viruses.
C.P. Mata, D. Luque, J. Gómez-Blanco, J.M. Rodríguez, J.M. González, N. Suzuki, S.A. Ghabrial, J.L. Carrascosa, B.L. Trus and J.R. Castón*.
PLOS Pathog. 13: e1006755, 2017.
Structural characterization of native and modified encapsulins as nanoplatforms for in vitro catalysis and cellular uptake.
R.M. Putri, C. Allende-Ballestero, D. Luque, R. Klem, K.-A. Rousou, A. Liu, C. H.-H. Traulsen, W.F. Rurup, M.S.T. Koay, J.R. Castón*, J.J.L.M. Cornelissen*.
ACS Nano 11.12796-12804, 2017.
Assembly/disassembly of a complex icosahedral virus to incorporate heterologous nucleic acids.
E. Pascual, C.P. Mata, J.L. Carrascosa and J.R. Castón*,
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29: 494001, 2017.
The transjugation machinery of Thermus thermophilus: identification of an ATPase involved in DNA donation.
A. Blesa, I. Baquedano, N.G. Quintáns, C.P. Mata, J.R. Castón and J. Berenguer.
PLOS Genetics 13: e1006669, 2017.
Role of archaeal HerA protein in the biology of the bacterium Thermus thermophiles.
A. Blesa, N.G. Quintáns, I. Baquedano, C.P. Mata, J.R. Castón and J. Berenguer.
Genes 8: 130, 2017.
Assembling enzymatic cascade pathways inside virus-based nanocages using dual-tasking nucleic acid tags.
M. Brasch, R.M. Putri, M.V. de Ruiter, D. Luque, M.S. Koay, J.R. Castón and J.J. Cornelissen.
J. Am. Chem Soc. 139:1512-1519, 2017.
Rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus capsid, a versatile platform for foreign B-cell epitope display, induces protective humoral immune responses.
N. Moreno, I. Mena, I. Angulo, Y. Gómez, E. Crisci, M. Montoya, J.R. Castón, E. Blanco and J. Bárcena.
Hierarchical organization of organic dyes and protein cages into photoactive crystals.
J. Mikkilä, E. Anaya-Plaza, V. Liljeström, J.R. Castón, T. Torres, A. de la Escosura and M.A. Kostiainen.
ACS Nano 10: 1565- 1571, 2016.
Cargo-shell and cargo-cargo couplings govern the mechanics of artificially-loaded virus-derived cages.
A. Llauró, D. Luque, E. Edwards, B.L. Trus, J. Avera, D. Reguera, T. Douglas*, P.J. de Pablo* and J.R. Castón* Nanoscale 8: 8328-9336, 2016.
Heterodimers as the structural unit of the T=1 capsid of the fungal double.+-stranded RNA Rosellinia necatrix quadrivirus 1.
D. Luque, C.P. Mata, F. González-Camacho, José M. González, J. Gómez-Blanco, C. Alfonso, G. Rivas, W.M. Havens, S. Kanematsu, N. Suzuki, S.A. Ghabrial, B.L. Trus and J.R. Castón* (2016).
J. Virol. 90: 11220-11230, 2016.
Structure of the receptor-binding carboxi-terminal domain of the bacteriophage T5 L-shaped tail fibre with and without its intra-molecular chaperone.
C. García-Doval, J.R. Castón, D. Luque, M. Granell, J.M. Otero, A.L. Llamas-Saiz, M. Renouard, P. Boulanger and M.J. van Raaij.
Viruses 7: 6424-6440, 2015.
Structural and functional insights into Escherichia coli α2-macroglobulin endopeptidase snap-trap inhibition.
I. García-Ferrer , P. Arede , J. Gómez-Blanco, D. Luque, S. Duquerroy, J.R. Castón, T. Goulas and X. Gomis-Rüth.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 112: 8290-8295, 2015.
Structural basis for development of avian virus capsids to display influenza virus proteins for induction of protective immunity.
E. Pascual, C.P. Mata, J. Gómez-Blanco, N. Moreno, J. Bárcena, E. Blanco, A. Rodríguez-Frandsen, A. Nieto, J.L. Carrascosa and J.R. Castón*.
J. Virol. 89: 2563-2574, 2015.
Calcium ions modulate the mechanics of Tomato Bushy Stunt Virus.
A. Llauró, E. Coppari, F. Imperatori, A.R. Bizzarri, J.R. Castón, L. Santi, S. Cannistraro and P.J. de Pablo. Biophysical J. 109: 390-397, 2015.
A protein with simultaneous capsid scaffolding and dsRNA-binding activities enhances the birnavirus capsid mechanical stability.
J. Mertens, S. Casado, C.P. Mata, M. Hernando-Pérez, P.J. de Pablo, J.L. Carrascosa and J.R. Castón*.
Comparative analysis of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) and new RHDV2 virus antigenicity, using specific virus-like particles.
J. Bárcena, B. Guerra, I. Angulo, J. González, F. Valcarcel, C.P. Mata, J.R. Castón, E. Blanco and A. Alejo.
50-plus years of fungal viruses.
S.A. Ghabrial, J.R. Castón, D. Jiang, M.L. Nibert and N. Suzuki.
Virology 479-480:356-368, 2015.
New insights into rotavirus entry machinery: stabilization of rotavirus spike conformation is independent of trypsin cleavage.
J.M. Rodríguez, F.J. Chichón, E. Martín-Forero, F. González-Camacho, J.L. Carrascosa, J.R. Castón and D. Luque.
PLOS Pathogens 10: e1004157, 2014.
Cryo-EM near-atomic structure of a dsRNA fungal virus shows ancient structural motifs preserved in the dsRNA viral lineage.
D. Luque, J. Gómez-Blanco, D. Garriga, A.F: Brilot, J.M. González, W.M. Havens, J.L. Carrascosa, B.L. Trus, N. Verdaguer, S.A. Ghabrial and J.R. Castón*.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 111: 7641-7646, 2014.
The interplay between mechanis and stability of viral cages.
M. Hernando, E. Pascual, M. Aznar, A. Ionel, J.R. Castón, A. Luque, J.L. Carrascosa, D. Reguera and P. de Pablo. Nanoscale 6: 2702-2709, 2014.
Self-assembly and characterization of small and monodisperse dye nanospheres in a protein cage.
D. Luque, A. de la Escosura, J. Snijder, M. Brasch, R.J. Burnley, M.S.T. Koay, J.L. Carrascosa, G.J.L. Wuite, W.H. Roos, A.J.R. Heck, J.J.L.M. Cornelissen, T. Torres and J.R. Castón*.
Chem. Science 5: 575-581, 2014.
Uncoating of common cold virus is preceded by RNA switching as determined by X-ray and cryo-EM analyses of the subviral A-particle.
A. Pickl-Herk, D. Luque, L. Vives_Adrián, J. Querol-Audi, D. Garriga, B.L. Trus, N. Verdaguer*, D. Blaas* and J.R. Castón*.
Proc Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 110: 20063-20068, 2023.
Crystallization of the C-terminal domain of the bacteriophage T5 L-shape fibre.
C. Garcia-Doval, D. Luque, J.R. Castón, P. Boulanger and M.J. van Raaij.
Acta Crystallog. F69: 1363-1367, 2013.
Structural characterization of the bacteriophage T7 tail machinery.
A. Cuervo, M. Pulido-Cid, M. Chagoyen, R. Arranz, V.A. González-García, C. Garcia-Doval, J.R. Castón, J.M. Valpuesta, M.J. van Raaij, J. Martín-Benito and J.L. Carrascosa.
J. Biol. Chem. 288: 26290-9, 2013.
The basic architecture of viruses.
J.R. Castón* and J.L. Carrascosa.
Subcell. Biochem. 68:53-75, 2013.
Conventional electron microscopy, cryo-electron microscopy and cryo-electron tomography of viruses.
J.R. Castón*.
Subcell. Biochem. 68:79-115, 2013.
Chrysovirus structure: repeated helical core as evidence of gene duplication.
J.R. Castón*, D. Luque, J. Gómez-Blanco and S.A. Ghabrial.
Adv. Vir. Res. 86: 87-108, 2013.
Insights into minor group rhinovirus uncoating: The X-ray structure of the HRV2 empty capsid.
D. Garriga, A. Pickl-Herk, D. Luque, J. Wruss, J.R. Castón, D. Blass and N. Verdaguer.
PLOS Pathogens 8: e1002473, 2012.
Epitope insertion at the N-terminal molecular switch of the rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus T=3 capsid protein leads to larger T=4 capsids.
D. Luque, J.M. González1, J. Gómez-Blanco, R. Marabini, J. Chichón, I. Mena, I. Angulo, J.L. Carrascosa, N. Verdaguer, B.L. Trus, J. Bárcena and J.R. Castón*.
J. Virol. 86: 6470-6480, 2012.
Cryphonectria nitschkei virus 1 structure shows that the capsid 1 protein of chrysoviruses is a duplicated helix-rich fold conserved in fungal double-stranded RNA viruses.
J. Gómez-Blanco, D. Luque, J.M. González, J.L. Carrascosa, C. Alfonso, B.L. Trus, W.M. Havens, S.A. Ghabrial and J.R. Castón*.
J. Virol. 86: 8314-8318, 2012.
Host proteolytic activity is necessary for infectious bursal disease virus capsid protein assembly.
N. Irigoyen, J.R. Castón* and J.F. Rodríguez.
J. Biol. Chem. 287: 24473-24482, 2012.
The VP3 factor from viruses of Birnaviridae family suppresses the RNA silencing by binding both long and small RNA duplexes.
A. Valli, I. Busnadiego, V. Maliogka, D. Ferrero, J.R. Castón, J.F. Rodríguez and J.A. García.
Family Chrysoviridae. In Virus taxonomy.
S.A. Ghabrial and J.R. Castón.
Ninth Report of the International Committee on taxonomy of viruses, A.M.Q. King, M.J. Adams, E.B. Carstens and E.J. Lefkowitz (eds.). Academic Press, San Diego, California. pp. 509 -513, 2012.
Molecular rearrangements involved in the capsid shell maturation of bacteriophage T7.
A. lIonel, J.A. Velázquez-Muriel, D. Luque, A. Cuervo, J.R. Castón, J.M. Valpuesta, J. Martín-Benito and J. L. Carrascosa.
J. Biol. Chem. 286: 234- 242, 2011.
The T=1 capsid protein of Penicillium chrysogenum virus is formed by a repeated helix-rich core indicative of gene duplication.
D. Luque, J.M. González, D. Garriga, S.A. Ghabrial, W.M. Havens, B.L. Trus, N. Verdaguer, J.L. Carrascosa and J.R. Castón*.
J. Virol. 84: 7256-7266, 2010.
Electrostatic interactions between capsid and scaffolding proteins mediate the structural polymorphism of a double-stranded RNA virus.
I. Saugar, N. Irigoyen, D. Luque, J.L. Carrascosa, J.F. Rodríguez and J.R. Castón*.
J. Biol. Chem. 285: 3643 -3650, 2010.
Infectious Bursal Disease Virus: ribonucleoprotein complexes of a double-stranded RNA virus.
D. Luque, I. Saugar, M.T. Rejas, J.L. Carrascosa, J.F. Rodríguez and J.R. Castón*.
J. Mol. Biol. 386: 891- 901, 2009.
Infectious Bursal Disease Virus is an icosahedral polyploid dsRNA virus.
D. Luque, G. Rivas, C. Alfonso, J.L. Carrascosa, J.F. Rodríguez and J.R. Castón*.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106: 2148- 2152, 2009.
Autoproteolytic activity derived from the Infectious bursal disease virus capsid protein.
N. Irigoyen, D. Garriga, N. Verdaguer, J.F. Rodríguez and J.R. Castón*.
J. Biol. Chem. 284: 8064- 8072, 2009.
The capsid protein of Infectious bursal disease virus contains a functional α4β1 integrin ligand motif.
L. Delgui, A. Oña, S. Gutiérrez, D. Luque, A. Navarro, J.R. Castón and J.F. Rodríguez.
Chimeric calicivirus-like particles elicit protective anti-viral cytotoxic responses without adjuvant.
E. Crisci, H. Almanza, I. Mena, L. Córdoba, E. Gomez-Casado, J.R. Castón, L. Fraile, J. Bárcena and M. Montoya.
The mechanism of vault opening from the high resolution structure of the N-terminal repeats of MVP.
J. Querol-Audí, A. Casañas, I. Usón, D. Luque, J.R. Castón, I. Fita and N. Verdaguer.
The EMBO J. 28: 3450 -3457, 2009.
Sharpening high resolution information in single particle electron cryomicroscopy.
J.J. Fernández, D. Luque, J.R. Castón and J.L. Carrascosa.
J. Struct. Biol. 164: 170- 175, 2008.
Self-assembly of the recombinant capsid protein of a swine norovirus into virus-like particles and evaluation of monoclonal antibodies cross-reactive with a human strain from genogroup II
H. Almanza, C. Cubillos, I. Angulo, F. Mateos, J.R. Castón, J. Bárcena and I. Mena.
J. Clin. Microbiol. 46: 3971 -3979, 2008.
Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV): A Segmented Double-Stranded RNA Virus With a T=13 Capsid That Lacks a T=1 Core.
J.R. Castón, J.F. Rodríguez and J.L. Carrascosa.
Segmented Double-stranded RNA Viruses: Structure and Molecuar Biology. J.T. Patton (ed.). Caister Academic Press, Norfolk. UK pp. 133 -144, 2008.
Infectious Bursal Disease Virus capsid assembly and maturation by structural rearrangements of a transient molecular switch.
D. Luque, I. Saugar, J.F. Rodríguez, N. Verdaguer, D. Garriga, C. San Martín, J. Velázquez-Muriel, B.L. Trus, J.L. Carrascosa, and J.R. Castón*.
J. Virol. 81: 6869 -6878, 2007.
Tree-dimensional structure and stoichiometry of Helminthosporium victoriae190S totivirus.
J.R. Castón*, D. Luque, B.L. Trus, G. Rivas, C. Alfonso, J.M. González, J.L. Carrascosa, P. Annamalai and S.A. Ghabrial.
Virology 347: 323 -332, 2006.
The 2.6-Angstrom structure of infectious bursal disease virus-derived T=1 particles reveals new stabilizing elements of the virus capsid.
D. Garriga, J. Querol-Audí, F. Abaitua, I. Saugar, J. Pous, N. Verdaguer, J.R. Castón and J.F. Rodríguez.
J. Virol. 80: 6895 -6905, 2006.
“Estructura de partículas virales”
J.L. Carrascosa y J.R. Castón.
“Estructura de partículas virales”. In “Virus patógenos”, L. Carrasco y J. M. Almendral (eds.). Editorial Hélice, Fundación BBVA, Madrid, pp. 77 -90, 2006.
Preliminary analysis of two and three-dimensional crystals of vault ribonucleoprotein particles.
J. Querol-Audí, R. Pérez-Luque, I. Fita, C. López-Iglesias, J.R. Castón, J.L. Carrascosa and N. Verdaguer.
J. Struct. Biol. 151: 111 -115, 2005.
Structural polymorphism of the major capsid protein of a double-stranded RNA virus: an amphipathic α helix as a molecular switch.
I. Saugar, D. Luque, A: Oña, J.F. Rodríguez, J.L. Carrascosa, B.L. Trus, and J.R. Castón*.
Structure 13: 1007 -1017, 2005.
Maturation of phage T7 involves structural modification of both shell and inner core components.
X. Agirrezabala, J. Martín-Benito, J.R. Castón, R. Miranda, J.M. Valpuesta and J.L. Carrascosa.
The EMBO J. 24: 3820 -3829, 2005.
Family Chrysoviridae.
S.A. Ghabrial, S.A., D. Jiang and J.R. Castón.
In Virus taxonomy. VIIIth Report of the International Committee on taxonomy of viruses, C.M. Fauquet, M.A. Mayo, J. Maniloff, U. Desselberger and L.A. Ball (eds.). Academic Press, San Diego, California. pp. 591 -595, 2005.
The coat protein of Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus contains a molecular switch at the N-terminal region facing the inner surface of the capsid.
J. Barcena, N. Verdaguer, R. Roca, M. Morales, I. Angulo, C. Risco, J.L. Carrascosa, J.M. Torres and J.R. Castón*.
The C-terminal domain of the pVP2 precursor is essential for the interaction between VP2 and VP3, the capsid polypeptides of infectious bursal disease virus.
A. Oña, D. Luque, F. Abaitua, A. Maraver, J.R. Castón and J.F. Rodriguez.
The oligomerization domain of VP3, the scaffolding protein of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus, plays a critical role in capsid assembly.
A. Maraver, A. Oña, F. Abaitua, D. González, R. Clemente, J.A. Ruiz-Díaz, J.R. Castón, F. Pazos and J.F. Rodríguez.
J. Virol. 77: 6438 -6449, 2003.
Structure-dependent efficacy of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) recombinant vaccines.
J.L. Martínez-Torrecuadrada, N. Saubi, A. Pagès-Manté, J.R. Castón, E. Espuña and J.I. Casal.
Three-dimensional structure of Penicillium chrysogenum virus: A double-stranded RNA virus with a genuine T=1 capsid.
J.R. Castón*, S.A. Gabrial, D. Jiang, G. Rivas, C. Alfonso, R. Roca, D. Luque and J.L. Carrascosa (2003).
J. Mol. Biol. 331: 417 -431, 2003.
“La microscopía electrónica de transmisión aplicada a la determinación estructural de macromoléculas biológicas”.
J.M. Valpuesta, J. Martín-Benito and J.R. Castón.
“Estructura de proteínas”. C. Gómez-Moreno and J. Sancho (eds.). Editorial Ariel, Barcelona, pp 353 -386, 2003.
The C-terminus of the Infectious Bursal Disease Virus major capsid protein VP2 is involved in the mechanism for molecular switching in capsid assembly.
J.R. Castón, J. L. Martínez-Torrecuadrada, A. Maraver, E. Lombardo, J.F. Rodríguez, J.I. Casal and J.L. Carrascosa.
J. Virol. 75: 10815 -10828, 2001.
Different architectures in the assembly of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus capsid proteins expressed in insect cells.
J.L. Martínez-Torrecuadrada, J.R. Castón, M. Castro, J.L. Carrascosa, J.F. Rodríguez and J.I. Casal.
Topology of the components of the DNA packaging machinery in the phage φ29 prohead.
B. Ibarra&, J.R. Castón&, O. Llorca&, M. Valle, J.M. Valpuesta and J.L. Carrascosa.
J. Mol. Biol. 298: 807 -815, 2000. (& Joint first authors)
VP1, the putative RNA-dependent RNA polymerase of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus, forms complexes with the capsid protein VP3, leading to efficient encapsidation into virus-like particles.
E. Lombardo, A. Maraver, J.R. Castón, J. Rivera, A. Fernández-Arias, A. Serrano, J.L. Carrascosa and J.F. Rodríguez.
J.Virol. 73: 6973- 6983, 1999.
A strategy for determining the orientations of refractory particles for reconstruction from cryo-electron micrographs with particular reference to round, smooth-surfaced, icosahedral viruses.
J.R. Castón, D.M. Belnap, A.C. Steven and B.L. Trus.
J. Struct. Biol. 125: 209 -215, 1999.
“Criomicroscopía electrónica”.
J.R. Castón and J.L. Carrascosa.
“Manual de Técnicas de Microscopía Electrónica (M.E.T.). Aplicaciones biológicas (Fundamentos y procedimientos)”. J. Renau y L. Megías (eds.). Publicaciones de la Universidad de Granada, Granada, pp 31-47, 1998.
“Tinción negativa”.
J.L. Carrascosa and J.R. Castón.
“Manual de Técnicas de Microscopía Electrónica (M.E.T.). Aplicaciones biológicas (Fundamentos y procedimientos)”. J. Renau y L. Megías (eds.). Publicaciones de la Universidad de Granada, Granada, pp 21-29, 1998.
Structure of L-A virus: a specialized compartment for the transcription and replication of double-stranded RNA.
J.R. Castón, B.L. Trus, F.P. Booy, R.B. Wickner, J.S. Wall and A.C. Steven.
J. Cell Biol. 138: 975 -985, 1997.
The making and breaking of symmetry in virus capsid assembly: glimpses of capsid biology from cryoelectron microscopy.
A.C. Steven, B.L. Trus, F.P. Booy, N. Cheng, A. Zlotnick, J.R. Castón and J.F. Conway.
Differential domain accessibility to monoclonal antibodies in three different morphological assemblies built up by the S-layer protein of Thermus thermophilus HB8.
J.R. Castón, G. Olabarría, I. Lasa, J.L. Carrascosa and J. Berenguer.
J. Bacteriol. 178: 3654 -3657, 1996.
“Capas cristalinas de la envoltura bacteriana”. In “Microbiología y Genética Molecular”
J.R. Castón, G. Olabarría, J.L. Carrascosa y J. Berenguer.
J. Casadesús (ed.). Publicaciones de la Universidad de Huelva, Huelva, pp 275 -303, 1995.
Horizontal transference of S-layer genes within Thermus thermophilus.
L.A. Fernández-Herrero, G. Olabarría, J.R. Castón, I. Lasa and J. Berenguer.
J. Bacteriol. 177: 5460 -5466, 1995.
Fungal virus capsids: cytoplasmic compartments for the replication of double-stranded RNA formed as icosahedral shells of asymmetric Gag dimers.
R.H. Cheng&, J.R. Castón&, G. Wang&, F. Gu, T.J. Smith, T.S. Baker, R.F. Bozarth, B.L. Trus, N. Cheng, R.B. Wickner and A.C. Steven.
J. Mol. Biol. 244: 255-258, 1994. (& Joint first authors)
Three-dimensional structure of different aggregates built up by the S-layer protein of Thermus thermophilus.
J.R. Castón, J. Berenguer, E. Kocsis and J.L. Carrascosa.
J. Struct. Biol. 113: 164 -176, 1994.
Phenotypic, biochemical and structural analysis of S-layer mutants from Thermus thermophilus HB8.
I. Lasa, J.R. Castón, L.A. Fernández-Herrero, M. de Grado, G. Olabarría, J.L. Carrascosa, M.A. de Pedro and J. Berenguer.
Bacterial Growth and Lysis. M.A. de Pedro, J.V. Holtje and W. Loffelhardt (eds.). Plenum Press, New York. pp. 99 -104, 1993.
S-layer protein from Thermus thermophilus HB8 assembles into porin-like structures.
J.R. Castón, J. Berenguer, M.A. de Pedro and J.L. Carrascosa.
Mol. Microbiol. 9: 65-75, 1993.
Insertional mutagenesis in the extreme thermophilic eubacteria Thermus thermophilus HB8.
I. Lasa, J.R. Castón, L.A. Fdez-Herrero, M.A. de Pedro and J. Berenguer.
Mol. Microbiol. 6: 1555 -1564, 1992.
Identification of a crystalline surface layer on the cells envelope of the thermophilic eubacteria Thermus thermophilus.
J.R. Castón, J.L. Carrascosa, M.A. de Pedro and J. Berenguer.
Physical virology in Spain.
D. Reguera, P.J. de Pablo, N.G.A. Abrescia, M.G. Mateu, J. Hernández-Rojas, J.R. Castón, C. San Martín. Biophysica 3: 598-619, 2023
Mechanical disassembly of human picobirnavirus like particles indicates that cargo retention is tuned by the RNA-coat protein interaction.
M.J. Rodríguez-Espinosa, J.M. Rodríguez, J.R. Castón*, P.J. de Pablo*.
Nanoscale Horizons, 8: 1665-1676, 2023
Cryo-electron microscopy and cryo-electron tomography of viruses.
D. Luque and J.R. Castón*.
Physical Virology, pp 283-306, 2023. Springer Nature.
Equilibrium dynamics of a biomolecular complex analyzed at single-amino acid resolution by cryo-electron microscopy.
D. Luque, A. Ortega-Esteban, A. Valbuena, J.L. Vilas, A. Rodríguez-Huete, M. G. Mateu* and J.R. Castón*.